Search Privacy Policy

International Society for Cardiovascular Translational Research

Privacy Policy

UPDATED: June 30, 2018   This statement is one way of sustaining Your (“You,” and “Your,”) trust in International Society of Cardiovascular Translational Research (“We,” “Us,” “Our” and “ISCTR”) and Our products and services. Our Privacy Policy describes how We collect, use, disclose, and protect personal information about You when You visit Our website (“Site”) or use Our products or services.  

Information We Collect About You

We collect personal information about and from You that is necessary for Us to provide You the services that You request, to help serve Your needs, to make customized offerings of Our products and services for You, and to fulfill legal and regulatory requirements. Our goals are to expedite scientific discovery to patients and to reduce the cost of diagnostic and therapeutic services. Both the amount and type of information collected will be limited to that which is necessary to fulfill these purposes. The purpose for collecting this data is to provide You the products and services You requested from Us. We collect and hold Your information as long as reasonably necessary to give effect to these purposes. By purchasing one of Our products or services, You give Us consent to contact You regarding that product or service as part of Our commitment to customer service. If You opt-in to receive marketing emails from Us, You voluntarily consent to receive such messages. You may contact Us regarding this use at any time using the contact information below. We shall keep Your information on Our mailing list until You withdraw Your Consent. You may opt out of receiving these messages at any time. We do not share this information with any third parties outside Our organization, except as stated below. We do not request or require sensitive or special category information about You, including:
  • Racial or ethnic origins
  • Political opinions
  • Religious or philosophical beliefs
  • Trade-union membership
  • Genetic data
  • Biometric data
  • Data regarding Your sex life, or sexual orientation
  • Criminal records
  • Credit history and creditworthiness


We may use cookies on Our Site. These cookies track about how You use Our Site which will help inform Us which areas are useful to Users and what areas need improvement. You can turn off these cookies through Our Site or via Your browser’s settings. If You turn off cookies, You may still access this Site. Unless You opt-out of cookies, when You visit the Site, Our servers automatically recognize Your IP address, but this does not give Us any additional personal information about You. The Site may also collect anonymous aggregate “traffic data” (contains no personally identifiable information about individual Users) that may help Us improve and market Our services.

Your Rights Regarding Your Information

At any time, You may request that We update, correct, or delete Your personal information, and We will comply with such requests as permitted by law or contract. You may also request a copy of the personal information We have for You and information about how We are using it, and We will comply with such requests unless We are required or authorized by law to withhold such information. Under California Civil Code § 1798.83-1798.84, California residents may ask Us for information about the categories of data We collected about them and shared with third parties for marketing purposes in the preceding calendar year and provide the contact information for those third parties. If You are a California resident who would like a copy of such information, please send Us a written request using Our contact information below.

Sharing Information with Others

We share personal information about You, as required or permitted by law, with third parties, such as service providers, who assist Us in the day-to-day operations of Our organization. We require third-party service providers to enter into confidentiality agreements with Us, prohibiting them from using any personal information they obtain for any other purpose other than those for which they were retained or as permitted by law. We will not share or sell Your information with other third parties without Your explicit consent except as stated herein. We may share Your information with a third party if We have a goodfaith belief that sharing the information is necessary to comply with a law, regulation or enforceable government request including court orders; to investigate potential violations or technical issues on Our Site; or to protect against harm to Us, Our users, or Our affiliates’ rights, property, safety, or to the public as permitted by law. We must disclose Your personal information in response to lawful requests by public authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements. For all other uses, We will seek Your consent to use Your personal information in a way that is not directly related to the reason that We collected it and We do not have relevant current permission from You unless so permitted by law.

Safeguarding Personal Information

We have internal policies and procedures designed to protect Your personal information from unauthorized use or disclosure. We have implemented physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to maintain confidentiality and integrity of the personal information in Our possession and to guard against unauthorized access. These may include, among other things, procedures for controlling access to customer files, building security programs, and information technology security measures such as the use of passwords, firewalls, plus virus and use detection software. We continue to assess new technology as it becomes available and to upgrade Our physical and electronic security systems as appropriate. Our policy is to permit employees and independent contractors to access Your personal information only if they have a business purpose for using such information, such as administering, providing, or developing Our products or services. Employees and independent contractors are provided with Your personal information on a need-to-know basis only and are bound by agreement to keep all personal information confidential and protect such information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We delete personal information that is no longer necessary for Us to have as a business entity or to provide You with Our products and services.

Modifications to Our Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Policy from time to time, with or without advanced notice, and will post the latest version on Our Site in a timely manner. Such revisions shall be effective immediately upon posting. We recommend that You review this Privacy Policy periodically so that You are aware of any changes. Your continued participation on this Site indicates Your acceptance of this Privacy Policy and of the collection, use, disclosure, and management, and retention of Your personal information as described herein.

Contact Us

If You wish to request access to, or correction of, Your personal information held by Us or would like to make an inquiry, request, or complaint regarding this Privacy Policy, Our privacy practices, products, or services, please contact Us at ISCTR, 3104 East Camelback Road, Suite 564, Phoenix, Arizona 85016, 480-438-5015, or