
Translational Pathways For Cardiovascular Devices

Table of Contents

Part I: Basic Concepts In Device Development

I.1Introduction (Preview Free Article)
David R. Holmes, MD; Anthony DeMaria, MD; Nabil Dib, MD, MSc; Spencer King III, MD; David G. Reuter, MD, PhD
I.2Overview of Cardiovascular Translational Research (Preview Free Article & Lectures From Doctors Dib & Califf)
 Nabil Dib, MD, MSc
I.3A Needs-Based Approach to Health Technology Innovation: The Stanford Biodesign Process Concept Development for Unmet Clinical Needs
 Todd J. Brinton, MD; Uday N. Kumar, MD; Jonathan G. Schwartz, MD; Paul G. Yock, MD
I.4Intellectual Property and Strategy Development
 Neil K. Nydegger, Esq
I.5Business Planning, Product Development and Fundraising: The Three Amigos of Your Device Start-Up
 Stanton Rowe
I.6Regulatory Requirement for Marketing Approval
 Felipe Aguel; Deborah G. Castillo, PhD; Joseph Chin, MD; Bram D. Zuckerman, MD
I.7Regulatory Assessment of Medical Devices in the European Union
 Alan G. Fraser, MD; Robert A. Byrne, PhD; Tom Melvin, MD; Niall MacAleenan, MD; Olga Tkachenko, PhD; Paul Piscoi, MD
I.8Requirements for Reimbursement for Innovation
 Joseph Chin, MD; Seth Clancy
I.9The ABCs of Reimbursement for Breakthrough Devices
 Tonya Dowd, MPH; Simran Madhani
I.10Requirement for New Technology to be Included in the Guidelines: “The Ultimate Goal”
 Alice Jacobs, MD
I.11Advanced Biostatistics for Translational Research
 Chris Mullin; Roseann White
I.12Early Feasibility Studies
 Andrew Farb, MD; David G. Reuter, MD, PhD

Part II: Translational Pathway For Transcatheter Aortic Valves

II.1Introduction (Preview Free Article & Lectures From Doctors Cribier & Leon)
 Stanton Rowe
II.2Unmet Clinical Needs
 Martin B. Leon, MD
II.3Preclinical Evaluation for TAVR
 Sarah Ahlberg, Carol E. Eberhardt, Russell Hodge, Timothy Kelley, Jeffrey Kepner, Hatem Tadros
II.4Clinical Evaluations – Methods
 Nicole Ibrahim, PhD
II.5Clinical Evaluations – Endpoints
 Ori Ben-Yehuda, MD
 Seth Clancy
II.7Future of TAVR Devices
 Stanton Rowe

Part III: Translational Pathway For Transcatheter Mitral And Tricuspid Valve Development

 Blasé Carabello, MD
III.2Unmet Clinical Needs
 Blasé Carabello, MD
III.3Preclinical Evaluation of Percutaneous Mitral/Tricuspid Valve Repair/Replacement
 Patrick Verta, MS, DVM, MD
III.4Clinical Evaluations – Methods
 John Laschinger, MD
III.5Clinical Evaluations – Endpoints
 Blasé Carabello, MD; Anthony DeMaria, MD; David Holmes, MD; Spencer King III, MD; John Laschinger, MD; Patrick Verta, MS, DVM, MD
 Christopher J. Panarites, PhD; Elizabeth Thoma, MBA
III.7Future of Mitral and Tricuspid Devices
 Paul Grayburn, MD

Part IV:Translational Pathway For Coronary Stent Development

 Chuck Simonton, MD
IV.2Unmet Clinical Needs
 Stephen Ellis, MD; Chuck Simonton MD
IV.3Preclinical Evaluation of Coronary Stents
 Laura E. Leigh Perkins, DVM, PhD, DACVP
IV.4Clinical Evaluations – Methods
 Priya Jagasia, MD; Chuck Simonton, MD
IV.5Clinical Evaluations – Endpoints
 Donald E. Cutlip, MD
 Chuck Simonton, MD
IV.7Future of Coronary Stents
 Mitchell W. Krucoff, MD

Part V: Translational Pathway For Ventricular Assist Devices

 Francis D. Pagani, MD
V.2Unmet Clinical Needs
 Francis D. Pagani, MD
V.3Preclinical Evaluation of VADs
 Kevin Bourque; Changfu Wu, PhD
V.4Clinical Evaluations – Methods
 Francis D. Pagani, MD; Changfu Wu, PhD
V.5Clinical Evaluations – Endpoints
 David J. Farrar, PhD; Philip B. Adamson, MD, MSc
 Robin Bostic
V.7Future of VADs
 Francis D. Pagani, MD

Part VI: Translational Pathway for Catheter Ablation

 Gregory K. Feld, MD
VI.2Unmet Clinical Needs
 Gregory K. Feld, MD
VI.3Preclinical Evaluation for Catheter Ablation
 Tim Laske, PhD
VI.4Clinical Evaluations
 Marco Cannella, PhD
 Tonya Dowd, MPH
VI.6Future of Catheter Ablation
 Gregory K. Feld, MD